
The information and data contained in WOPPIE.NL websites, including all subdomains, are provided by the webmaster of WOPPIE.NL and may be used for informational purposes only. WOPPIE.NL intends for the information and data to be accurate and reliable, however, WOPPIE.NL cannot guarantee the accuracy, validity or reliability of the information and data on any of the WOPPIE.NL sites.

All information and data are provided ‘as is’. The use of the information and data, and any results of such use are solely the responsibility of the user. Information on this site may or may not be current as of the date of your access, WOPPIE.NL has no duty to update and maintain the information, reports or statements on the site.

WOPPIE.NL will pay good care and attention to the composition of this site and the update of the presented data. Nevertheless, WOPPIE.NL will not accept any liability for damages, in any form, arising from or in relation to the use of WOPPIE.NL website or for a temporary inability to access this site.

The user shall always remain responsible to take precautions against viruses, worms and other external influences.

WOPPIE.NL also provides external links to other websites. WOPPIE.NL makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other web sites which you may access from the WOPPIE.NL website. WOPPIE.NL has no control over the content of these websites and cannot guarantee the reliability or accuracy of any information linked externally.

The information and data of the WOPPIE.NL website may be changed periodically without prior notice.

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